Category Thoughts from the Butterfly House

A Universal Scale for AI Systems

It seems to me that the media are really hyping the state of AI research and the general, ‘march of the machines’ thing and this is causing confusion and mild panic amongst us. I think for all of us, including those actually, ‘doing AI’ it would be really good if there was an agreed, ‘scale’ […]

A Tale of Six Watches

What’s the difference between just loving watches and being a real enthusiast (geek)? My answer to this question is, ‘time’. I don’t mean that it is inevitable that you will transition from watch lover to full geek; what I do mean is that people like me are interested in a watch not only as a […]

Something to Worry About

It’s a bit ironic that I study complexity science and suffer personally from the butterfly effect. You know this is where a butterfly flapping its wings in Neasden can cause a tornado in New York; well for me it means that any small thought or interruption sends me flying off in a completely different direction […]